Friday, January 1, 2016

Manne gets Hitched

So Jay and I have have been doing ministry for a while.  I officially came on staff as his partner in 2002 through a ministry called Student Stampede.  He later became the Youth Pastor of Briarwood Presbyterian Church in (I think) 2004.  Ministry I know is simply a way of life for most believers.  We view our life as ministering the gospel to those around us.  It just so happens that our vocation is solely ministry... specifically to jr. high and high school students and their families.  

So this is what I didn't think about as a 22 year old entering ministry.  (Let's be honest, I didn't know much about anything!  But this was a biggie for me).  When you try to serve others, you are the one that really ends up reaping the rewards.  Through the years there are students that have become so dear to me that I truly think of them as extended family.

Take this beautiful bride for example.  Enter the stunning Margaret Anne Hendry now Mrs. Sean Tilford.  I am pretty sure when Jay became youth pastor and I met Manne for the first time she was somewhere around 11.  I first got to know her older sister Leigh, then Molly, and then she followed up through the ranks.  When she asked the girls to be bell ringers in her wedding I felt so very honored.  (Disclaimer:  she knows my girls well, so she knew what a risk this could be.  This was further testament of her love for our family in my eyes).

I mean, could they be a more stunning bride and groom?  I think not.

These girls took their jobs VERY seriously!  Elle was a bell ringing pro and has started a camp for those interested in learning her masterful ways of maximizing sound and clarity.

I was proud to see Elle lead her younger sister with patience down the very packed sanctuary.

Perhaps one of the greatest gifts through the years I have received is having such godly sweet role models to surround my girls.  I know ultimately my children will make mistakes and choose their own path, one I may not have chosen for them.  But I am forever thankful for the chorus of loves that bestow encouragement, love and deepest affection for my children.  Some of these "students" (what do I call them when the are grown?) are the most darling and beautiful examples of Chirst like love to my children.  A mama's heart cannot be more thankful.

I can not capture with words what this picture does. 

Margaret Anne, you are a joy to all.  You are a joy to my family.  Thank you for the privilege of letting my girls play a role in your day.  We love you and your beloved so very much!

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