Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Broken Femurs are the Worst!

Question:  So what can be worse than a broken femur?
Answer:  Maybe nothing.
Stipulation:  Other than it not being your broken femur and someone you love, like your 4 year old nephew.

Kate had taken her crew to the uber dangerous lands of a local fast food restaurant (I don't think I'm allowed to say which restaurant it is...)
Parker was playing in the play area.  He had just gone down the slide when a larger kid, who was hanging on the side webbing, decided to jump down onto the slide.  Where Parker was.  So essentially he landed on Parker.  On Parker's femur to be precise.

Kate said Parker started crying like she had never heard and she just knew something was bad wrong and she had to leave.  She bustled everyone into the car, and headed to Mom and Dad's.  She said half-way there it looked like Parker was going to pass out so she knew she needed to get him to the hospital.  I'm pretty are she put some lessons she learned from childhood in the practice and stop dropped and rolled her kids out of the car at my parents so she could fly to Parker to medical care.   

She got to Children's downtown and they whisked that little fella back right away.  They did multiple tests and were worried about brain damage.  
My poor sister's phone died while at the hospital.  Clint was rushing in from Atlanta to meet her at the hospital.  It was pretty much one of the worst days for my poor sister.

Thankfully they let monkey do all the test with Parker.  Children's is simply the best.

Even if you don't know Parker I know you have a heart, and I know this breaks it.

Results finally came in.  No brain damage, no broken spine, but a badly broken femur.  This meant 
6-8 weeks in a body cast.  

PAUSE:  4 year old in a body cast.  Active 4 year old boy in a body cast.  Just take that in for a moment.

Let's revisit the good news.  Had the larger boy landed any higher up and the doctors said Parker's lungs would have collapsed.  They were seriously worried about spinal damage.  If the child had landed on Parker's head they said that force would have killed him.  So in light of all this, praise the Lord it was just a broken femur.

Bless his little heart.

It is moments like this that I am so very thankful we live so close to such exceptional medical care.  Thank you Children's of Birmingham for taking care of our kiddos.