Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Lake Time

This past week Jay went to on a mission to trip to a deaf school in Jamaica.  Since taking the girls is not an option, we opted to spend the week at the lake.

Glorious I know.  

How can one get used to such beauty?  I suppose you can't and that's why my grandparents retired to the lake and made this their version of a bedtime story each evening.

I took the girls to Auburn one day.

It takes around 40 minutes to get there from the lake house and the whole way Elle (donned in her Auburn finest) sang her version of the fight song.  Uncle Gray Gray would have been proud.

We got there and scoured the town for an Auburn coloring book.  Upon securing one, Elle noticed the beautiful bells that go off every 15 minutes from Samford Hall.
"What's that bells comes from?"
Kathleen kept pointing to the tower but she just couldn't seem to grasp it.  Here she is getting a closer look.

Around this time, the clouds unleashed and it poured.  And I mean poured.  We took refuge in Ingram Hall, which I honestly have no idea what it houses.  You would think after 4 years of school and the countless times I've walked around campus I would have a clue... but nada.

You can't really tell, but we were drenched.  Hair.pie was happy as always.  
We then picked up Molly (insert picture of a tall blonde model with a knack for all things horticulture) and ate lunch at Toomer's.  Our trip was way too short.  

We ran by the girls apartment to put on some dry clothes and headed back to the lake.  

Ronald Jabe Shaw jr. jr. in the backseat was missing her nap and a tidge delirious.  Needless to say, she kept me entertained on the way back.

Lucy had a ball.  She was reconnected with her favorite buddy of all the time: the water.  She out swam herself and was forced to wear a life jacket for safety.  By the end of the week, poor thing was only using a solitary paw as she swam and kept us worried with her head barely above water.  You canNOT keep her out of the lake though.  She loves loves LOVES it.

I mean, LOVES it.

This hot mess loves it too!  She woke with the sun and would poke me saying "Ohhh Mommmmy.... It's sunny time.  Can we go swimmin'?"  
Umm... NO.  Mommy hasn't had a pot of coffee yet.  Let's reconvene after said pot has run its course through Mommy's body.

Caroline spent all her time in a round floatie wearing her new pink sunglasses.  

I would have given anything to get a picture of her in the water with them on.  She was hilarious.  This child loooves the water (almost as much as Lu.Belle).  She giggled and slapped the water and when Uncle Gray Gray pushed her with his fins on you could tell she just wanted to go as fast as she could.  She had a ball.

Elle like to putter around in the same float, but eventually warmed up and wanted to swim in her puddle jumper.  Then...

Uncle Gray Gray taught her to swim (with float) from the landing to the ladder all by herself.  


I know... so gross.  Explanation:  Lucy like to roll and thrash around after she swims.  Well, she had mats. all. over.  They were so so gross I had to cut them out.  On the up side, I think she lost a couple of pounds in hair.

Uncle Gray Gray and me after the above first sunset.  This picture is so grainy!  Gray: send me yours!  I know it's better!

Elle was so not afraid of the water, Jay and I knew we needed to sign her up for swim lessons and quickly.  This last picture is of her first day of lessons with Mrs. Tiffany.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Care Bears

I would like to introduce a couple of regulars in the Shaw household.

From left to right we have Harmony, Cheer (Elle's favorite), Grumpy, Tenderheart, and Funshine.  
Missing from this group shot is another regular, 

Wonderheart and Floppy Bunny.  We like love are obsessed with Care Bears and Elle watches them every. single. day.

Yesterday, Elle made an observation shall we call it.  Elle had been watching about 15 minutes of her beloved friends when she says...

"Mommy, Care Bears doesn't have boobies."

Me:  "Hmm... What's that???"

Elle:  "The Care Bears doesn't have boobies."

End of discussion.


Who loves summer?!

This child.

And this one.

We've brought out the sprinklers and blown up the kiddie pools because summer is unofficially here!  

This explains so much.  I have told Jay many a times, first parent teacher conference is all him.  

Dr. Whiggager would be so proud!  Look at the remains of that fried chicken!  I'm surprised she didn't eat the bone (Lucy did for the record...).

Steel City Pops.  Enough said.

Happy Summer Y'all!!!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Cwalin is Hawd

Today Elle informed me "sometimes cwalin is hawd to do."  

Enter Caroline.  Caroline is now 10 1/2 months old.  She is a remarkably happy child (this coming from a mom whose only other child had reflux for 11 months, colic for 4, had to wear a horrible evil harness for 3 months at 20 hours a day... I may have a skewed version of "happy").  I will say that Caroline has cut 4 teeth and we had no idea they were coming.  She really is a pretty chill baby.  Well, that is until recently.  She has suddenly gotten her grumpy.bear on.  We believe this to be on account of not being able to figure out how to crawl.

Gerber baby can spin and turn and push up.  But when she tries to get anywhere,

she does the superman.  She looks like a turtle caught on its backside trying to flip over.  She has spent hours like this... arms and legs thrashing at the same time, hoping that their momentum may propel her forward.  


Elle loves to get down and show her the appropriate means to crawl...

... to no avail.  
She typically gives up trying and rolls to her desired destination. 

I had to include this picture for the sake of baby bed head.  Poor child wakes up in the dark every morning until I can pin her hair back.  It is hilarious!

The Countdown Begins....

January 25 marked our 10 YEAR anniversary.  
I know... what?  Yes, I was a baby when we got married and it should perhaps be illegal to get married so young.  Praise the Lord that He answered my prayers and I married Jay.  I don't mean to sound cheesy or like we have a utopia.esc marriage.  Jay has probably grown more in patience than he ever dreamed possible and I have, well, I would like to think I have grown too.  If I haven't then that's just plain sad and pathetic because I need/ed to more than anyone I've ever known.  The whole 2 becoming 1 bit... it's umm... hard.  But Praise The Lord we're not in it alone.  By His grace, Jay is not only my best friend, but the man I admire more than anyone else.  Mostly because he puts up with me :)

Well, we are celebrating by going to (drumroll) HAWAII!!!

We have all these awesome travel points and are getting to cash them in finally!  We are so so SO excited!  4-5 days in Maui and 2-3 days in Kauai.  

We just got our travel shoes in and are ready for them to take us on an adventure!